Friday, June 6, 2008

Youth Ministry Class Ideas

* DEFINITIONS & ROLES - Director of Youth Ministries, Youth Pastor, Youth Minister, Youth Coordinator, Youth Specialist, Adult Youth Minister
* CONTEXTS: millenials, urban/suburban, ethnicity, gender, sexuality,
RESULTING: values, attitudes, norms and rituals of sub-cultures in youth culture.
* AUDIENCES: youth, families, adult youth ministers, pastoral team, other church leaders, other churches,
* CONTENT: spiritual, intellectual,
* MODELS: social, mentor, wholistic, service, peer
* TRANSFORMATION: educational theories
* ACTION: knowledge -> responsibility

Field Research
- interview young people
- interview youth workers - schools, agencies, churches, government

* legal considerations
* principles of recruiting, training, and empowering volunteers (community, adult, and youth) for outreach ministry.

* Faith Growth of Youth through Prayer and Worship
a) preparing liturgy and worship experiences, and
b) fostering the prayer life of youth and preparing prayer services, and
c) designing youth retreat experiences. Participants will apply these understandings by developing a realistic and integrated approach to worship within a comprehensive ministry to youth.

Faith Growth of Youth through Pastoral Care
* pastoral care, family systems, adolescent development, cultural identity plays
a) promote healthy adolescent development from a pastoral care perspective and
b) develop preventative interventions for families with adolescents.

Faith Growth of Youth through Evangelization and Catechesis
* foundations and practices for nurturing faith growth and Christian identity
* promote a living relationship with Jesus in the lives of adolescents.
* experience and analyze the postmodern culture and develop strategies for faith formation with adolescents in a postmodern world.

Faith Growth of Youth through Justice and Service
* foundations for fostering consciousness and spirituality in youth drawn from: Scripture, Social Teaching, adolescent development, and contemporary catechetical principles. It develops skills for creating integrated, action-learning models for the justice and service component of a comprehensive youth ministry.

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